Valuing and Devaluing

Many times conflict arises between thinking with one’s head and thinking with one’s heart. Reason is used in every decision made, but it is not the only factor. Many people confide in reasoning in order to ignore the emotional aspect of topics, decisions, etc. This is often justified because reason is based off of facts, whereas emotion is remotely based off of feelings, something that is seen as less substantial. Emotion is part of what makes people human and therefore, should be more valued than it currently is. Emotions can make some uncomfortable and are often dismissed as “being dramatic” or “unrealistic” because it conflicts with reason.

Though the body is what contains everything that is a person and should be treated with respect and care, people often forget to take care of their bodies and to respect others’ bodies as well. The mind is arguably a very important piece in the human anatomy, but it is often used to overpower everything else. The mind is the thinking process for every person and is also what makes decisions. Sometimes we abuse our bodies by not sleeping enough which is crucial time to recharge not only our minds, but our bodies as well. Or sometimes we get lazy and we do not feed our bodies the proper nutrients it needs in order to correctly function or we do not exercise it enough. Or maybe we do the opposite and overexercise it and end up hurting ourselves. Society has developed an incorrect image of what “healthy” is and often times romanticizes unhealthy habits. Millions of Excuses are made for not treating our bodies properly.

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