Comparing Houston’s and Kerouac’s Ideas

The two quotes from Houston and Kerouac are referencing to a clear mind and how nature can be a key factor in doing so. Houston describes the “whiteness” as pure bliss and as a reflection (seeing yourself as you truly are). I experience this “whiteness” when I am somewhere I love, doing something I love, or with someone I love. The “murkiness” or “factory smoke” that Kerouac describes is a metaphor for thoughts that circle our brains relating to stress or egoism/selfishness. It is common for me to find myself getting caught up in great amounts of stress or to find myself being self-centered and thinking about how I can make things happen for myself. But, being in a state of calmness and true happiness can drive those thoughts out of my head. For example, after a long day of classes or homework, being inside all day, and interacting with many different people, one of the most cleansing things I can do is go for a run. There is something about being outside in the fresh air by myself, listening to music, and doing something that is good for my body and my mind that is very clear and simple.

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